Christianity the First 500 Years Weekly Bible Study (Brenham)

Brenham First Baptist Church 302 Pahl Street, Brenham

The course, "Christianity, The First 500 Years: Roots of Yesterday that Stretch to Today," will be taught by David Beckworth at First Baptist Church, Brenham, beginning at 6 pm Sundays, […]

Washington County Ladies Lions Club Meeting (Brenham)

Cannery Kitchen 314 East Alamo Street, Brenham, TX, United States

The Washington County Ladies Lions Club will meet Monday November 25 at Noon at the Cannery Kitchen. Guest speaker is Shawn Koonce, Executive Director of the Brenham Boys and Club […]

WIC Walk (Bryan)

Tanglewood Park 3901 Carter Creek Pkwy., Bryan, TX, United States