Brenham ISD School Bus Registration

Bus Registration for the 2023-24 school year is NOW OPEN! Secure your spot on our school buses and ensure a smooth ride to success. Don't miss out on this opportunity […]

Registro de autobuses escolares

Bus Registration for the 2023-24 school year is NOW OPEN! Secure your spot on our school buses and ensure a smooth ride to success. Don't miss out on this opportunity […]

Fall Plant Sale

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (Washington County) 1305 East Blue Bell Road, Brenham, TX, United States

St. Peter’s to provide Kid’s FREE Lunches

City of Brenham Henderson Park 804 Old N. Market St., Brenham, Texas

WHEN:  Monday - Friday, August 7-August 11, 11:00am - 12:00pm WHERE:  Henderson Park Kitchen (behind the Water Splash Pad) WHY:  To feed hungry kids and celebrate the end of summer […]


Cornhole Tournament & Fireman’s Fiesta (Brenham)

Brenham Fire Department Training Center 1101 Hwy 290 West, Brenham, TX, United States

Meal tickets sold at Brenham Fire Department, All BFD Members, Robert's Service Station, K&M Grocery & Dan's Meat Market

Texas Sales Tax Holiday

Texas Sales Tax Holiday is Aug. 11-13 State law exempts sales tax on qualified items — such as clothing, footwear, school supplies and backpacks — priced below $100, saving shoppers […]