Republican Club of Washington County Monthly Meeting

Cannery Kitchen 314 East Alamo Street, Brenham, TX, United States

The Republican Club of Washington County will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 14, at the Cannery Kitchen.  Registration and social time start at 5:30pm, dinner at 6:00pm and […]

Brenham ISD Physical Day

Brenham Junior High School Gym 1200 Carlee St., Brenham, TX, United States

Brenham ISD physical day is open to all 6th-11th grade students needing a physical for athletics, cheer, dance, and/or band. This will be located at BJHS on May 15. Any […]

Brenham ISD Dia fisico

Brenham Junior High School Gym 1200 Carlee St., Brenham, TX, United States

El día físico de Brenham ISD está abierto a todos los estudiantes de 6 a 11 grado que necesiten un examen físico para atletismo, porristas, baile y/o banda. Esto se […]

Brenham DPS Drive-Thru Fundraiser

Brenham Fire Department Training Center 1101 Hwy 290 West, Brenham, TX, United States

Tickets available for purchase at the following locations: Bake Shop at All Things Acres The Batter’s Box Thielemann Construction Monday Family Dinners at Fireman’s Pavilion Van Dyke Rankin Sew Stitches […]