Downtown Brenham Farmer & Artisan Market

Downtown Brenham

First Fridays Farmers & Artisan Market is an open-air market with local artisan/craft, cottage food, farm-to-market, small business, and retail vendors. Each month we offer live musical performances located in Historic […]

Craft Beer Tasting at Brenham Maifest

City of Brenham Fireman's Park 901 N. Park Street, Brenham, TX, United States

The Zythological Society of North America, Texas Chapter will be hosting the 2024 Bierverkostung, German for beer tasting, at the Brenham Maifest this year in Brenham. The tasting will be […]

Washington Co. Genealogical Society Meeting

Brenham Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library 100 Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, Brenham, Texas

The Washington County Genealogical Society will be meeting Monday, May 6, at 1pm in the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library. The speaker will be Washington County Clerk Beth Rothermel. Please […]