12 events found.
Community Events
Brenham Elks Lodge #979 Members Meetings
Brenham Elks Lodge 979 400 East Germania St., BrenhamBrenham Elks Lodge #979 membership meetings are scheduled for Wednesday January 10 and Wednesday January 24 at 7 P.M. The Board of Directors will meet at 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday […]
Meet the Cubs Event
Brenham High School Main Gym 525 A H Ehrig Drive, Brenham, TX, United StatesEducational Program-10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s
Kruse Village 1700 E Stone St, Brenham, TX, United StatesWashington County Chamber Connect After Four Event
Bank of Brenham (Brenham Branch) 501 S. Austin, Brenham, TX, United StatesGood Ole Country Gospel
St. John Lutheran Church (Bellville) 520 N. Holland Street, Bellville, TX, United StatesFrom the Silver Czech Toler to the US Dollar
Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center 250 West Fairgrounds Rd, La Grange, TX, United StatesJoin the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center (TCHCC) on January 12, at 3P for the opening of From the Silver Czech Toler to the US Dollar exhibit presented by […]
Brenham Elks Friday Night Steak Dinner
Brenham Elks Lodge 979 400 East Germania St., BrenhamThe weekly Friday night steak dinner begins at 6:30 PM at Brenham Elks Lodge #979, with all members and guests invited - 16 oz Boneless Ribeye with Baked Potato, Salad, […]
Sons of Hermann Lodge 6 Monthly Meeting
Hermann Sons Life Hall (Brenham) 304 E. Germania Street, Brenham, TX, United StatesMEETING INFORMATION 2nd Friday, Monthly Meal at 6:30 PM Meeting at 7:15 PM HERMANN SONS LIFE HALL 304 E. Germania St. Brenham, TX 77833 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2024. REGUALR MEETINGS, […]