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Washington County 4-H Photography Contest

The Texas 4-H Photography Contest encourages self-expression and allows youth to demonstrate skills learned in the area of photography, including the use of photographic equipment and process of photographs

Government-in-Action Youth Tour

Government-in-Action Youth Tour: Washington, D.C. tour and $1,000 scholarship for high school students. Applications will open on Nov. 1, 2023, and will close on Jan. 19, 2024.  Fill out application online […]

POSTPONED-WCJA Inaugural Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade

📣WE NEED.... 👉Churches 👉Clubs/Organizations 👉Dance Groups 👉Car Clubs 👉High School Class Representation 👉Bands 👉Slingshots 👉Trail Ride Groups 👉Truck Clubs 👉Themed Trucks w/Trailers 👉Businesses 👉Jeep Clubs 👉Motorcycle Groups 👉Drum Lines 👉Horse […]