Washington County 4-H Photography Contest
The Texas 4-H Photography Contest encourages self-expression and allows youth to demonstrate skills learned in the area of photography, including the use of photographic equipment and process of photographs
The Texas 4-H Photography Contest encourages self-expression and allows youth to demonstrate skills learned in the area of photography, including the use of photographic equipment and process of photographs
Government-in-Action Youth Tour: Washington, D.C. tour and $1,000 scholarship for high school students. Applications will open on Nov. 1, 2023, and will close on Jan. 19, 2024. Fill out application online […]
Join the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center (TCHCC) on January 12, at 3P for the opening of From the Silver Czech Toler to the US Dollar exhibit presented by […]
The weekly Friday night steak dinner begins at 6:30 PM at Brenham Elks Lodge #979, with all members and guests invited - 16 oz Boneless Ribeye with Baked Potato, Salad, […]
MEETING INFORMATION 2nd Friday, Monthly Meal at 6:30 PM Meeting at 7:15 PM HERMANN SONS LIFE HALL 304 E. Germania St. Brenham, TX 77833 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2024. REGUALR MEETINGS, […]